
At Harvest City Church we consider giving to be an act of worship. It's one way we regular attenders "live our call". If you are checking out Harvest City for the first time, we want you to know there is no expectation for you to give. Just relax and enjoy the presence of God with us!

Ways to Give Financially

Note: All these giving methods include the option to designate contributions to a particular fund or ministry.

Quickly and Securely Give Online Via Credit Card

Give online with any device. It’s fast, secure and simple.

'Church Center' Mobile App Giving

Great for Regular Giving

Church Center is a fantastic mobile app for giving online using iPhone and Android devices. It allows you to give in under 10 seconds once you’ve downloaded and installed it.

Setting up scheduled, recurring giving is also really easy with the app, and it can show you your giving history, too!

Scan or tap this QR code to get started installing Harvest City's Church Center mobile app

Fee-Free Direct Giving

Cash, Debit, Cheque, or Pre-authorized Debit

Direct giving avoids credit cards and the fees that go with them, so 100% of your donation goes where you want it to go.

  • Cash and cheque giving can be done at the church at Sunday services or during office hours on weekdays.
  • Debit giving is available at the church during office hours on weekdays and after each Sunday service.
  • Pre-authorized debit is scheduled automatic withdrawals from your bank account. You can change the withdrawal amount at any time simply by calling the church Business Office (306-569-1935 extension 1021). Click the “Set Up…” button below to get it started!

Where to find your bank, branch and account numbers

Photo of a void cheque, with tags pointing out the cheque number, transit (branch) number, financial institution number, and bank account number
Click to enlarge

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) or e-transfers are convenient for those who bank online.

EFTs are available for Harvest City giving. Please use the “Request…” button below to have our business office send you instructions for setting this option up.

Thank you
in advance for your generosity!
If you have any questions or need assistance feel free to…

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