Photo of the auditorium setting where Harvest City messages are delivered


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Becoming New - Part 6 What do you see? In a world that often focuses on the surface, God calls us to look deeper—to see potential, purpose, and transformation in…
Becoming New - Part 4: Talkin' About Practice This week in our 'Becoming New' sermon series, we're talkin' all about practices. Surprised? So was former NBA player Allen Iverson! What…
Becoming New - Part 4 “Don’t Take the Bait!” On the journey to Becoming New, there's plenty of opportunities to take offense—but what if there’s a better way? Pastor Joel…
Are you ready to leave the old behind and step into something truly new? Stu Schulz delivers an inspiring message as part 3 of our Becoming New series. We explore…
Becoming New - Part 2: The Battle to Change Your Life The struggle we all face in breaking free from harmful patterns and living a life of victory IS REAL!…
Becoming New - Part 1: A Starting Point Today brings the beginning of our 2025 church-wide campaign! It’s all about ‘Becoming New,’ and we kick things off with Pastor Joel Wells'…
New Year resolutions may fail, but God's wisdom never does! Learn how true wisdom is more than just being smart—it’s knowing the right thing to do, at the right time,…
Thanks for joining us for Testimony Sunday! Our last Sunday service of 2024, we have a mix of pre-recorded and live testimonies, as we look back at the past year,…
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thanks for joining us for our Christmas Eve Message. Tonight's normally scheduled program gets a surprise twist when some unexpected guests take matters into…
Pastor Joel Wells shares the next sermon in our 'The Weary World Rejoices' Christmas series. Titled “Go Tell It on the Mountain”, he'll explore the hope and redemption that Jesus…
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