Photo of the auditorium setting where Harvest City messages are delivered


Tap one of the Messages below for its video. To SEARCH, use these buttons.

Bible Text: Exodus 32:1-4 | Speaker: Jenny Cana | Series: Stand Alone Message | "Ever notice you have an attitude of tantrum rather than tandem when it comes to God's…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:9 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Will you trust His heart even when you don't understand His hand?
Bible Text: Luke 11:1 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Whose kingdom will you follow?
Don't lose assurance. Remember the zeal you had in the very beginning.  He is bigger than anything that can be against us. He is God.
Bible Text: John 5:19-20a | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Learn how to connect with God and get answers to your prayers.
Bible Text: Psalm 34:1-4 | Speaker: Linda Wells | Series: Stand Alone Message | There are times in life's journey when we feel faint, we feel like giving up.  Linda…
Speaker: Tim Harrison | Series: Stand Alone Message | Tim shares a powerful message that's been on his heart concerning the Rest of God.

Why Bother With Church?

September 29, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 16:18b | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Why Bother | Simple: Healing. Transformation. Grace.⁣  It is the solution to a broken world.⁣

Why Bother With Jesus?

September 22, 2019
Hear what Pastor Joel has to say about it!

Your Next Step

September 15, 2019
Bible Text: Mark 10:46-52 | Speaker: Kevin Beeson | Series: Stand Alone Message | How BIG change comes from small steps of obedience.
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