Photo of the auditorium setting where Harvest City messages are delivered


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My Church - Part 3 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another…
My Church - Part 2 Pastor Joel Wells shares part two of the 'My Church' sermon series with us. Matthew 16:18-19 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and…
My Church - Part 1 "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against…
The Master's Manifesto - Part 9 This Sunday will be the final installment of our summer series and in-depth look into Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. We've studied his words…
The Master's Manifesto - Part 8 Pastor Joel brings us insight into a few age-old proverbs. Have you ever heard of the 'Hay and Stubble Rule'? How about the 'Wooden…
Katherine Gagne speaks on Matthew 7:7-11, which focuses on God's providence. We'll look at God's desire to fulfill our needs, as we ask, seek, and knock.
Master's Manifesto - Part 6 As we continue our sermon series on 'the Sermon on the Mount'. Anatoliy Beliy brings us the next message about judging others and its effects…
The Master's Manifesto - Part 5 We hope you've loved going through this sermon series as much as we have! Pastor Gary Williamson shares part five of 'The Master's Manifesto'…
The Master's Manifesto - Part 4   We are blessed to have Claire Epenu sharing with us today. Claire will continues our latest sermon series The Master's Manifesto with a…
The Master's Manifesto - Part 3Jason Bandura shares part three of our most recent sermon series - The Master's Manifesto.
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