Amanda shares how we are to Love our Enemies despite our circumstances and gives us an idea how we can accomplish that. Her message includes a clip from a message…
There is a way to have your life based on what God wants for us. Anatoliy shows how we need to get ourselves to the point where we can trust…
What if we were in the time when Jesus rose from the dead? How would we respond? Pastor Joel leads us through how the followers of Jesus responded to the…


April 14, 2019
Today we hear how, being in God's will and leaning on the fact that God is in control of our lives, when we let Him lead us we have to…
Pastor Dave brings us back to basics. He give us the message of the Good News of the gospels. How we became who we are in Christ, and how other…
Katherine guides us through the scriptures on how we are to live our call. Taking us through the scriptures. When we receive a call she talked about how that call…

True Lies

February 24, 2019
Aubrey shows us that one thing we need to look at, in our life, is those small things we do or do that thing which takes us down a path…
Kimberley delivers a powerful message on how to overcome the obstacles that come in your way. Keeping your eyes on what Jesus has for  you and letting Him encourage you…
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