Bible Text: Matthew 6:9-13 | Speaker: Dave Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Pastor David N. Wells with Part 7 of "Teach Us To Pray" focusing on the sovereignty of…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:13a | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Pastor Joel is continuing Part 6 of "Teach us to Pray"!
Bible Text: Matthew 6:11 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | "Learn what it means to forgive our debtors."
Bible Text: Matthew 6:9-13 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | "The last line of the Lord's prayer - "Give us this day our daily bread"…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:9 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Will you trust His heart even when you don't understand His hand?
Bible Text: Luke 11:1 | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Whose kingdom will you follow?
Bible Text: John 5:19-20a | Speaker: Joel Wells | Series: Teach Us To Pray | Learn how to connect with God and get answers to your prayers.