Level Up: Part 2 - Level Up Honesty This week, we kicked off our latest church-wide campaign 'Level Up - Revamp your Relationships'. Last Sunday Pastor Joel began by speaking…
Disciple - Part 3: Being a True Disciple “Salvation is free; but discipleship will cost you your life.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sometimes in the North American church today, there's the…
Game on - Part 4: Time to Connect Pastor Dave Wells brings us the next installment of our Game On Series. Together, we'll examine the concept of community. We see…
We're excited to announce the start of a brand new sermon series all about the book of proverbs, "Life Lessons." We'll start off with a message from Pastor Dave Wells…
Pastor Dave Wells brings the fourth instalment in our most recent series: ‘The Present Season’.
Pastor Dave Wells will bring us the next message in our sermon series "The Acts of the Spirit"
We begin a new sermon series; 'The Acts of the Spirit'! To start things off, Pastor Dave Wells will be sharing the first part this Sunday: 'Empowered by the Holy…
Pastor Dave Wells brings us a message on 'Corporate Prayer' - the next chapter in our ongoing campaign: Awaken! A Call to Prayer.
OUT OF FOCUS? - PART 5: FOCUSING ON HUMILITY - DAVE WELLS “Humility is the chief thing in the Christian life. You can't love without it. You can't obey without…