Your Next Steps
What is my next step?

To get solid suggestions for your next step, tap the description that fits you, below.
I have not yet attended a Sunday service at Harvest City Church.
If you’ve only visited Harvest City here online, then a great next step is to attend a service, experience worship with us, and hear a live sermon message. Pick the service time that works best for you and when you attend, be sure to stop by the reception window in the church foyer—we’re looking forward to meeting you!

If you’ve only visited Harvest City online, then a great next step is to attend a service, experience worship with us, and hear a live sermon message. Pick the service time that works best for you and when you attend, be sure to stop by the reception window in the church foyer—we’re looking forward to meeting you!
I have attended and would like to know more about Harvest City.
If you’re curious to know more about Harvest City’s DNA, then this is your gilded invitation to our Connections Class. In its informal introductory sessions (four altogether) led by senior Harvest City leaders you’ll find out where we’re coming from and how we do things. You can ask questions, meet people, and generally scope out how you might get more involved. And there’s snacks!
The weekly sessions start about noon (after the worship portion of our second Sunday service), while the kids are in Sunday School. Each session is “stand-alone” and the class is repeated numerous times through the year, so you can jump in whenever.

If you’re curious to know more about Harvest City’s DNA, then this is your gilded invitation to our Connections Class. In its informal introductory sessions (four altogether) you’ll find out where we’re coming from and how we do things. You can ask questions, meet people, and generally scope out how you might get more involved. And there’s snacks!
The weekly sessions start about noon (after the worship portion of our second Sunday service), while the kids are in Sunday School. Each session is “stand-alone” and the class is repeated numerous times through the year, so you can jump in whenever.
I'm interested in Jesus, the power of his way of life, and what all that can mean for me.
You’re right – Jesus did give us a way of life.
His way is more than a lifestyle or a self-improvement how-to.
In fact, it’s more than just a way OF life; it’s a way TO a whole new life. Jesus explained, “I am the way…and the life.” He literally made the way for you to enter a supernatural, powerfully free, abundant life that continues beyond death.
And you don’t have to earn it—it’s a free gift from God!
Your next step? Investigate further! Here are links to help:

You’re right – Jesus did give us a way of life.
His way is more than a lifestyle or a self-improvement how-to.
In fact, it’s more than just a way OF life; it’s a way TO a whole new life. Jesus explained, “I am the way…and the life.” He literally made the way for you to enter a supernatural, powerfully free, abundant life that continues beyond death.
And you don’t have to earn it—it’s a free gift from God!
Your next step? Investigate further! Here are links to help:
I'm facing something in my life that is making my next step very difficult.

God never intended for us to have to deal with all life’s trials and tribulations alone. He gives plenty of wisdom throughout the Bible on how to care for one another, and he supernaturally equips some people to be extra good at it.
The buttons below link to some of the Harvest City Church teams that offer support. Or you can always “Get In Touch” to talk to someone directly.
Whatever you’re facing, we’re here to help.
I've decided to trust Jesus and want his way of life. Now what?
There is joy in heaven about your decision!
Now here are some things you can do to make the most of it:
- Tell somebody – Here are some good reasons why:
- The Bible advises us to do so (Romans 10:10). Not sure who to tell? Use the “Tell Somebody” button below.
- It’s good to get input from someone who has been where you are. (If you’re looking for someone to be that person, you can use the “Request a Coach” button below.)
- Get baptized – Baptism is an exciting expression of our faith in Christ and a way of identifying with him. Check out the “About Baptism” link below.
- Start learning:

There is joy in heaven about your decision!
Now here are some things you can do to make the most of it:
- Tell somebody – Here are some good reasons why:
- The Bible advises us to do so (Romans 10:10). Not sure who to tell? Use the “Tell Somebody” button below.
- Another reason it’s good to tell somebody is, input from someone who has been where you are can jump start your Christian walk. (If you’re looking for someone to be that person, you can use the “Request a Coach” button below.)
- Get baptized – Baptism is an exciting expression of our faith in Christ and a way of identifying with him. Check out the “About Baptism” link below.
Start learning:
- Harvest City Church offers a free New Believer’s Bible you can pick up at the reception window in the church foyer.
- The “Tips for Reading the Bible” button below takes you to a page that can help you off to a great start.
I want to get more involved in Harvest City Church!
You’re ready to get involved—that’s excellent!
Do you want to take part in a meaningful small community, with friends to do life with? Use the button below to have our Life Groups coordinator contact you.
Maybe you’d like to take a class or attend other events? There’s a button for that too, below.
Are you thinking of volunteering with a ministry? There are many serving opportunities on Sundays and throughout the week. Check out the Harvest City Ministries page, or Contact a Ministry, or use the Volunteering Hot Spots button below.

You’re ready to get involved—that’s excellent!
Do you want to take part in a meaningful small community, with friends to do life with? Use the button below to have our Life Groups coordinator contact you.
Maybe you’d like to take a class or attend other events? There’s a button for that too, below.
Are you thinking of volunteering with a ministry? There are many serving opportunities on Sundays and throughout the week. Check out the Harvest City Ministries page, Contact a Ministry, or use the Volunteering Hot Spots button below.
A little help here!...
Our care team is available and happy to talk with you about your next steps and what Harvest City has to offer. We can even introduce you to the right ministry people, if that would help.
We look forward to walking with you!