Global Impact

Introducing... Global Impact

As He was ending His time on Earth, Jesus gave the church one of its main reasons for being — the Great Commission. In it, Christ challenges us to take His message and live it out locally, regionally and “…to the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

That’s why “Global Impact” has become the umbrella under which all of Harvest City’s missions activities are organized. It is not so much a stand-alone ministry as it is a church-wide coordination of outreach efforts. We recently added the tag slogan‘Together on Mission’ to the Global Impact title, and can’t think of a better way to show that unity is key with each other and that we are here to get behind !

Since 2007, using the Global Impact approach Harvest City has seen amazing increase in its passion for missions, its financial contributions and its effectiveness in mission fields around the world.

The Global Impact strategy is simple: Rather than scattering missions giving to every request that comes along, Harvest City forms strategic partnerships with particular missions workers locally, nationally and internationally. Prayer, hands-on support and financial resources are then focused on making those partners as fruitful as they can be.

It is a bold and far-reaching way of doing missions, yet intensely personal and relational. For example, one missionary partner had this to say about her experience with Global Impact:

We were made to feel more than welcome — accepted and loved, even spoilt. [Global Impact] has personally ministered to me more than words could say.

Global Impact Celebration

Harvest City’s Global Impact Celebration (a.k.a. GIC), organized by the church’s Global Impact team, is the annual rallying point for our ongoing outreach endeavors. It’s a multi-day, life-changing cultural festival with something for everyone. 

2024 April 26-28, our 18th annual GIC was such a powerful weekend – from the Kick Off Celebration on Friday night all the way to the Sunday morning service God was speaking to us through our partners. With “Home” as the theme, the testimonies of what God is doing to make space for people and invite them home in our city, nation, and around the world were inspiring and challenging.

Faith Commitment Offering

The Faith Commitment Offering (FCO) is taken up online and at the Global Impact Celebration solely for the coming year's Global Impact budget.
The FCO is open online NOW. Please prayerfully consider what you can give through a one‑time or monthly contribution.

Global Impact Partnerships

Harvest City actively partners with numerous missions organizations in Regina and around the world. With those partners, we help meet a wide range of needs for a wide range of people – orphans, victims of the sex trade, indigenous evangelists, inner city youth, people with disabilities, and many others.

Tap/Click tabs below to learn more about our Global Impact partners.

Donna West is Executive Director of City Kidz in Regina, a children’s outreach program that reaches 5-to-18 year olds, “Working to end child poverty…one child at a time.” City Kidz runs from September to December and March to June. Transportation is provided for kids in Regina’s core area to/from the Playhouse Theatre for a 90-minute, high energy, fast paced and interactive program. Each registered family also receives a weekly visit overseen by Donna.

Alden & Kate Ludwig are with Love Lives Here, whose mission is to provide a Christian witness by ministering to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of prostitutes and street people who struggle with addictions and poverty.

Associate Pastor Attila Csákány and his wife Emily represent Morning Star Ministries, a local ministry within North Central Regina with a vision to bring healing, teaching, and family support within the context of Christian faith and community.

Ted Seres works with OneBook Canada to provide the Mmen tribe of Cameroon, Africa with the ABC’s — alphabets, Bible translations and other aids to literacy. This kind of work leads to amazing community development for Cameroon and others in the one third of the world that still has no written alphabet.

Joel Wells and Anatoliy Beliy lead LIFT Evangelistic Ministries. The heart of LIFT is to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those around the world who are crying out and looking for answers. That mission is accomplished through large festivals held both in the community and on university campuses.

Peter Kasirivu is a Pastor at Gaba Community Church near Kampala, Uganda. In 1990, he founded Africa Renewal Ministries, which focuses on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through planting churches and starting and supporting schools, orphanages, and clinics. Peter is the leader of the apostolic team which oversees the Africa Renewal Ministries network.

Francis Mugwanya is the founder and Director of Father’s Heart Mobility, a ministry that raises the esteem and capability of people with disabilities in Uganda. Knowing first-hand what it’s like to crawl and be looked down upon, and how life-changing it is to be given a wheelchair, Francis founded Father’s Heart Mobility in 2006. Since then over 17,000 people have been given the free gift of mobility and the hope of a better life through this ministry.

Doug & Kim Paradise lead Hidden People Ministries, a non-profit independent ministry based out of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A pioneer-type ministry, missionaries Doug & Kim Paradise are connected with LifeLinks International, who help plant and establish churches in Vietnam, Myanmar, and Nepal.

Moses and Cindy Latella pastor Neuma Church, an exciting new church plant sent out by River City Church and the LifeLinks network into Spokane, WA. They are a gospel-rooted, authentically connected, missional, and spirit-filled church that empowers next generation leaders to live a vibrant God story. The church launched in May 2020 and is seeing many young people from the surrounding universities, colleges and military bases coming to know Jesus.

Florence (Flo) Sasser is very actively involved with Marshallese Christians in the Islands and the U.S. Through prayer, training and equipping leaders, and preaching/teaching, Pacific Mission Outreach is furthering the gospel by taking it to the 4/14 window and beyond. One of their major activities is ongoing translation of discipleship material for children and leaders.

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Support for Ukrainians New to Regina

Click here for the "Regina Donation Centre for Displaced Ukrainians" Facebook page listing what donations are required, drop-off hours, and so on.

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